Here are some of our case studies which will give you an insight of our great work.
Leave to remain granted to a Nigerian national under the 7 year child route
A Nigerian client came to the UK as a visitor and overstayed due to his personal circumstances. He met another Nigerian national lady and started living together. After sometime they were blessed with a child. After having lived in the UK for a long time. They could not get the right advice and were refused on multiple occasions. They contacted us and we advised them that they are eligible to make an application for leave to remain on the basis that their eldest child has lived in the UK for seven years since birth. An application was filed for the whole family and they were granted limited leave to remain straight away. The family now lives in the UK happily and both parents are working hard to raise their family.
Deportation appeal allowed and a stateless person got leave to remain
A gentleman who was convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for 2 years, the Home Office signed a deportation order against him and made attempts to deport him. The client claimed that he was unaware of his true nationality however the Home Office was adamant that he was from Ivory Coast and somehow made his travel document to send him back. We challenged the deportation decision and he was given a right of appeal. We represented him in his appeal which was allowed at the FTT. The Home Office appealed the decision and permission was granted. In the next hearing at the UT, we represented our client and won the appeal on the basis that he was stateless and could not have been deported. Eventually after a fighting hard, our client has been given leave to remain in the UK and he can finally live happily.
Representative of an Overseas Business visa granted in weeks to an Egyptian national based in UAE
A high profile UAE based company contacted us and sought our help to establish a branch office in the UK. We advised the company on the option of Representative of an Overseas Business visa. They nominated an Egyptian senior employee of their company. We prepared his file and applied for his visa. Within weeks, he was granted leave to enter and he entered the UK and has now set up a branch office for his company. The next step was to bring over his family members. The application process was made smooth enough that his wife and children have joined him too in the UK.
TOEIC appeal successful and leave to remain granted to a Pakistani national
A client who has been living in the UK for a long time on a student visa. He then got married to a British citizen. The Home Office refused his application on the basis that he used a TOEIC English certificate which was allegedly obtained by using deception/proxy test taker. He was given a right of appeal. We represented him in his appeal. We sought clarification from the ETS (the testing body) about the issue and prepared the appeal bundle with further evidences to prove that he genuinely took his test and the Home Office had failed to prove their allegation. The Judge accepted our arguments and allowed his appeal and he was eventually granted leave to remain in the UK
Tier 1 Entrepreneur entry clearance application granted for 3 years
Client was assisted by us and applied for a Tier 1 Entrepreneur entry clearance application before the route was closed to new applicants in 2019. The initial processing of the application took 7 months and the application was refused by the Entry Clearance Officer as it was not believed the Applicant is a genuine entrepreneur. This was an extremely harsh decision and the reasons for refusal clearly indicated the Entry Clearance Officer had failed to understand the proposed business plan and investment the client was going to be making in the UK. The refusal decision was challenged by Administrative Review. The lack of understanding by the Entry Clearance Officer was clearly highlighted in the Administrative Review. A response was provided within 28 days and the refusal decision was overturned. The client was granted a 3 year visa which has allowed him to enter the UK with his wife and children and he has already made significant investments in the UK in excess of £200,000 and created multiple jobs for British citizens.
Entry Clearance Spouse Visa granted so that the Jamaican national applicant could be with her terminally ill husband doing the last few months
Client had got in contact with us to assist her with a spouse visa application as soon as possible. Her husband had been diagnosed with a very serious health condition as a result of which he had only a few months to live. Application was completed expediently but despite the urgency of the matter being highlighted to the Entry Clearance Officer, they still wished to interview the Sponsor over the telephone. Urgent submissions were made by us to highlight the Sponsors health condition and the fact that he was not in any condition to be taking part in a telephone interview. Following this the spouse visa was granted to our client and she was able to travel to the UK to be with her husband. As a result of the fast turnaround time to get the application completed, submitted and approved, client was able to spend the precious few months her husband had to live with him at his bedside.
Successful challenge of visit visa refusal after client had been refused on multiple occasions
Our Russian client had not seen her sister for well in excess of 15 years and had spent all her life in her home country. She wanted to visit her sister for a short period and then return to her home country to continue caring for her unwell child. Client had applied on her own on multiple occasions for a visit and with each application she satisfied the reasons given in the previous refusals. Despite this she kept getting refused and with each refusal a new reason would be given for refusing her visit visa. Client contacted us to see if we could assist in anyway. After conducting a thorough examination of her various refusals and the documents that had been submitted in support of the most recent application, we advised the client that she could challenge the refusal decision by Judicial Review. This would have involved submitting a Pre Action Protocol letter first to the Home Office. This was prepared and lodged with the Home Office who responded by withdrawing the refusal decision and finally granting her the visit visa. Client has been able to travel to the UK and see her sister after many years. This was only possible after we had challenged the Home Office on the excessive burden being placed on the client to provide documents that did not have any material impact on the outcome of the application.
Out of time appeal by more than 18 months successfully lodged to challenge deportation order which resulted in the Home Office withdrawing their decision and once granting client Indefinite Leave to Remain
Client had been committed of a crime as a result of which he was given a short term prison sentence. The Home Office decided to make a deportation order against the client who was a pensioner and had been living in the UK for well in excess of 45 years and had not been back to Iraq during this period. Client was given a right of appeal against the decision and instructed his previous representative’s to act on his behalf for the appeal. Client was told by his previous representative the appeal had been lodged. A period of 18 months had passed since the appeal had been lodged but client did not get any update from the Tribunal or his previous representative. Client contacted us to represent and assist him with his appeal. Numerous attempts were made by us to get proof from the previous representative’s that the appeal was lodged but we received no response. We also got in contact with the Tribunal who confirmed they had not received any notice of appeal for the client. Therefore we prepared an out of time appeal on behalf of the client with proof that previous representative had failed to lodge the appeal despite telling the client otherwise. The Tribunal admitted the appeal and set a date for the hearing. Prior to the hearing taking place the Home Office withdraw their decision to deport the client based on the grounds of appeal that were lodged and reinstated client’s indefinite leave to remain.
Successful challenge of Tier 2 Refusal by Pre Action Protocol Letter for an Indian national
The Indian national client was in the UK on a Tier 2 visa and the employer lost their sponsor license but failed to disclose this to the client. Client was informed of this by the employer a number of months later. Client then found a new employer with a Sponsor License and applied for further leave to remain. Clients application was refused because the Home Office stated they had curtailed her visa and had given her time to find a new employer and apply for further leave to remain but this period had lapsed. Client got in contact with us for help. Client had not received any correspondence from the Home Office stating her visa had been curtailed. We got in contact with the Home Office to enquire how the curtailment of client’s visa had been communicated to her. Home Office stated the curtailment notice had been served by email upon the client. Client confirmed she had not received such an email despite the Home Office providing proof of the email. Client was advised that this decision can be challenged by Judicial Review as the Home Office guidance stated any decision to curtail the visa would first be communicated by post and then by email. The Pre Action Protocol was lodged highlighting this to the Home Office and we requested proof they had attempted to serve the curtailment notice by post. In their response the Home Office stated they will withdraw their decision to refuse the application and issue the visa if the employer was still willing to offer her the role. Sadly the role had been fulfilled by another candidate but the client was given the opportunity by the Home Office to find another employer so that they could issue her the visa.
Deportation Order Revoked as Canadian client had entitlement to British citizenship
Client had lived majority of his life in the UK and had Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK. He had been convicted of a crime for which he received a sentence in excess of 12 months. A deportation order was made against him. We prepared submissions to argue why his deportation order should be revoked. We argued the client is entitled to British citizenship in line with the case Johnson [2016] UKSC 56. As a result of this the Home Office revoked the Deportation Order against our client and reinstated his Indefinite Leave to Remain.
Leave granted to an Albanian national on the basis of 20 years private life in the UK
Client had been in the UK for a period in excess of 20 years with no legal status. We prepared an application for leave to remain on the basis of his Private Life in the UK. Sadly the application was refused with a right of appeal. We successfully challenged the refusal decision and proved beyond reasonable doubt that client had been living in the UK for a period of 20 years illegally. As a result of this the client has been granted leave to remain in the UK for 2 and half years on the 10 year route. He is finally able to work in the UK lawfully and build his life.
Sole Representative entry clearance visa granted to a Kazakhstan national despite Applicant being paid his wages through a subsidiary company based in a third country
A Kazakhstan national client was based in the UAE working for a multi-national company whose parent company was headquartered in China. Client had been selected to set up the company’s first presence in the UK. Client was being paid his salary through a subsidiary company based in Hong Kong. We successfully helped client obtain this visa by providing a meticulously prepared representation letter and easier to follow documentary evidence showing the link between the parent company in China, subsidiary company in Hong Kong as well the company in the UAE.
Asylum claim refused but granted Discretionary Leave to Remain to South African national
Client was a South African national who had entered the UK as a visitor but wanted to claim asylum in the UK on the basis of her fearing for her life. Client was advised the asylum claim would be weak but a strong argument can be made for her to be granted discretionary leave to remain as a result of the various health conditions she was suffering from. As expected the asylum claim was refused but the client has been granted Discretionary Leave to Remain as a result of her health problems.
Successful extension of a visitor visa for an Indian Doctor to attend PLAB test
A client came to the UK as a visitor to register with the NHS as a doctor. She intended to leave at the end of her visit visa however due to starting (non-paid) clinical rotation she was unable to return to her country. She wanted to take the PLAB test whilst in the UK which is usually not possible and you can only request extension for the purposes of retaking a PLAB test. We prepared a visit visa extension application for her and she was granted a further 6 month extension without having to leave the UK and it allowed her to take the PLAB test.
Indefinite Leave to Remain granted to a US national as a Tier 2 migrant having used an old CoS
Our client was in the UK with leave as a Tier 2 general migrant. When she applied for further leave her application was refused as her employer did not issue the new Certificate of Sponsorship and she submitted her application using the old COS. The client was issued with a new COS and instructed us to submit an application addressing the previous refusal. We applied for further leave and she was granted further as a Tier 2 General migrant.
Tier 2 Minister or Religion granted to a Malaysian national following a human rights application
Our clients a Malaysian national came to the UK as a Tier 2 (Minister of Religion) migrant, his family joined him later as his dependants. Unfortunately just before the expiry of his leave our client’s wife became severely ill and was unable to travel and also left his employment. Our client submitted an application before the expiry of their visas on Human Rights grounds on the basis that his wife’s health condition. A request for fee waiver was also granted by the Home Office. Our client then found another sponsor who offered him a role as minister of religion and we subsequently prepared an application for him and his family to switch to Tier 2 (MOR) migrant.
Tier 2 General granted to a Chinese following a human rights application and then indefinite leave to remain
Our client a Chinese national was granted leave to enter the UK as a Tier 2 (General) migrant and was refused an in-country application to switch to a new employer as the salary was not sufficient. In order to prevent him from becoming an over-stayer we submitted an application for further leave to remain in the UK and then applied for variation of the application as a Tier 2 (General) migrant before a decision was made on your application for leave to remain in the UK. The applicant was successfully granted leave as a Tier 2 (G) migrant. We later submitted an application for her Indefinite Leave to remain in the UK as she had completed 5 years residency in the UK.
Nationality application approved following a refusal of application filed by our Iranian client
Our client an Iranian national came to the UK and claimed asylum with her son in 2011. They were granted refugee status and subsequently after 5 years granted ILR. When our client applied for Naturalisation for herself her son’s to register as a British citizen. However the application was refused as the Home Office was not satisfied with the answers she gave on the application form. She requested for the applications to be reconsidered however the home office maintained the refusal decision. She then instructed us to submit a new application which was granted successfully and now they are both British citizens.
Nigerian child granted indefinite leave to remain following a refusal of an application filed by client
Our client a Nigerian national came as a Tier 4 dependent on her father and her mother. Her mother then extended her leave as a Tier 2 Minister of Religion and her and her father became her mother’s dependants. In the meantime her father completed ten years lawful residence and applied for ILR while her mother applied for her ILR on the basis of five years. She was included in the application however her application was refused on the basis that both her parents did not have ILR at the time of submitting the application and was granted limited leave to remain as a PBS dependent. She instructed us to prepare her application for Indefinite Leave to Remain and challenging the refusal. We submitted her application on the basis that she has been residing in the UK for 5 years and meets the required her application was successfully and she continues to live with her parents whilst completing her studies.
Georgian national granted a visitor visa who had previously overstayed
Our Client was in the UK as a Tier 4 Student which was due to expire and he instructed us to submit an application for a visit visa for him and his family to join him for his graduation ceremony. He has previously submitted an application for visit which was refused as his family had overstayed by 2 days at their last visit to the UK. We submitted an application explaining the reasons why the family overstayed by just two days and all 5 visit visa application were granted in order for the family to attend our client’s graduation ceremony.
Leave to remain granted to an overstayed Jamaican national on the basis of Private Life under 10 year route
A Jamaican national came to the UK as a visitor and overstayed. He and His partner contacted us we advised them advised them they can only apply under for leave to remain on the basis of Private and Family life as part partner of settled person under 10 route – exceptional Circumstances. An application was filed for the whole family and Home Office required further documents after providing additional documents he was granted limited leave to remain straight away. The family now lives in the UK happily.
ILR granted to Iranian family on the basis of six years in the UK with discretionary leave
An Iranian national came to the UK as a visitor along with her dependent children they entered the UK in 2007 and claimed asylum. Their asylum was refused followed by the appeals. After making further submission they were all granted discretionary leave to remain in the UK. They completed their 6 years under same category and again contacted us we applied for their indefinite leave to remain which was successfully granted. All the family is now settled in the UK and living together as a happy family unit.
An overstayed Chilean national was granted leave to remain under 10 year under parent route
A Chilean national was married to (a British citizen) she came to the UK on a spouse visa in Jan 2014 with visa valid till 2017, couple blessed with their first child. As time passed things changed between the couple and their relationship broke down. She contacted us to advise her regarding her legal status in the UK. We gave her advised that she can apply on the basis of her child under 10 year parent route. An application was submitted and she was granted leave to remain within a month. She couldn’t believe that she is granted leave to remain. Now she is working hard to provide good care to her daughter.
British nationality and British passport with refugee status for a Kenyan client
A Kenyan national entered the UK in 2005 and claimed asylum. The case took 6 years to decide and eventually she was granted refugee status and finally indefinite leave to remain. She instructed us to apply for her British citizenship. An application was submitted which took around 6 months to decided due to complex issues in the case. Home Office contacted us and required further documentary evidence which was provided and finally she was granted British citizenship. She then further instructed us to apply for her British Passport. We happily submitted her passport application which was granted in 3 weeks. She is now settled in the UK as a British Citizen.
Leave to remain granted to a Taiwanese visitor on the basis of family life
A Taiwanese national entered the UK as visitor. She contacted us and inform that she is in relationship with a British citizen and he have 2 children from his previous. She informed had come with the intention to visit only; however, his partner and the step-children require her to stay in the UK for the sake of the children’s welfare and their schooling. Firstly, we advised a visitor, under immigration Rules guidance does not allow you to change the category the visit visa. However, we advised that an application can be submitted at the discretion of the Home Office/Secretary of State on the basis of the compelling and compassionate family circumstances. We submit her application under 10 year partner route which was granted straight away in 4 weeks. The family is now living happily.
A St Lucian national granted entry clearance as a child of someone who has limited leave to remain in the UK - sole responsibility
A St Lucian client instructed us to apply for his daughter’s visa so that she can join him in the UK. He informed us he was in relationship with his daughter’s mother which was ended. He came to the UK on spouse visa as he got married to British Citizen. He informed that after his relation ended up with his ex-partner his daughter live a very vulnerable life. And she has nowhere to go and it is in her interest to join her father. An application was submitted on the basis of a person who has limited leave to remain in the UK which was successfully granted. The child finally joined his father and step-mother in the UK. They contacted us and inform that we have done very difficult task for them and their dreams finally comes true as their daughter is now with them.
Leave to remain granted to whole Pakistani family on the basis of 7 year child route
A Pakistani national she came to the UK as a tier 4 general dependent on her husband. She has 3 children. She extended her leave and then applied as a tier 2 which was refused following by the appeals. She again applied with her husband again but the application was refused followed by a refused appeal. Meanwhile her relationship with her husband broken down permanently and they separated. She then claimed asylum on the basis of her fear for life from her deserted husband. She contacted us and informed that she did not get right advice previously. We advised her that she will be eligible to make an application for leave to remain on the basis that her eldest child has lived in the UK for seven years. At first we submitted her fee waiver application which was granted successfully and then an application was filed for the whole family and they were granted limited leave to remain straight away. The family now lives in the UK happily.
Visit visa granted to a Mexican after a few refusal of application made by the client herself
A Mexican national contacted us to apply for visit visa as she wanted to visit her EEA national partner in the UK. She informed us that she informed that she had visited the UK previously on several occasions. She then apply for marriage visit visa which was refused and she was unable to visit her partner. An application was submitted and we made submissions to all the objections which were made by the Entry Clearance Officer. She was finally granted a visa and then she visited her partner in the UK. The couple were happy with the outcome of their application.
Spouse visa granted to a Congo national with complicated employment history of the sponsor
A British National instructed us to apply for spouse visa for his wife who was living in Congo. He informed us that he has been waiting for long time to apply the spouse visa for his wife, he informed that he had been in contact with different law firms and he was not fully satisfied due the complication in his employment history. He contacted us and we advised him accordingly and informed him regarding the requirements for the visa had to be met. He provided all the relevant documents on your advice. An application was submitted which was successfully granted. The Applicant entered the UK on a spouse visa and the couple start living together as a happy family unit.
Chilean national granted spouse visa by meeting the financial requirement in a different way
A Chilean National contacted us that he is living with his British national partner in Australia and they have two children. They wanted to move to the UK permanently. We advised them and informed them that they need to meet the immigration requirements for a spouse visa. At first they wanted to sell their property in Australia to meet the financial requirement through savings however they were unable to sell their property. They contacted us again and informed that if they had any other option to meet this requirement. We advised them the if his British National partner can secure a job offer in the UK so he can still apply. His partner found the relevant job offer in the UK and we applied for spouse visa as an unmarried partner on the basis of the sponsor's job offer in the UK. An application for partner visa was granted successfully straight away and the couple moved to the UK happily.
Leave to remain granted as adult dependent relative to an Iranian national
An Iranian applicant aged over 60 years old , suffering from medical conditions and her husband had been granted ILR following his asylum claim. The client's children and grandchildren are all in the UK. Her previous leave to remain applications followed by appeals had been refused many times. The client was in distress and came to us for help. We studied the immigration history of client and advised her accordingly. We made an application for her which was eventually granted on the basis of her private/family life in the UK. The client happiness could not be expressed in words here.
Iraqi national granted visitor visa to attend PLAB test following 3 refusals
An Iraqi national Doctor who wanted to visit the UK to sit in the PLAB 2 test in the UK. The client had previously been refused 3 visit visa. He instructed us and after studying his circumstances, we advised him on the right documentation. We submitted an application with representations as to why our client was a genuine visitor and the reasons as to why he was submitting the application. Our client was successfully granted leave to enter to be able to attend a training course in the UK as well as PLAB 2 test.
Removal directions successfully cancelled for a Jamaican national and leave to remain granted under the parent route after having lived 13 years without status
Our client entered the UK in 2007 and was an overstayer, he had entered into a relationship with a British national from which he had a daughter however the relationship with partner had broken down a while ago. The client was detained whilst working illegally and held in a detention center and was served with removal directions. We submitted representations on the basis of our client’s human rights and on his relationship with his British child. The Home Office cancelled his removal directions because our client’s application was being considered. We represented our client at a bail hearing and our client was subsequently granted with bail. Eventually our client was granted leave to remain under the parent route. His happiness for this success was amazing.
Leave to remain granted under parent route to an overstayed Albanian national
An Albanian national entered the UK in 2013 in a clandestine manner and had not made any application to regularize his stay in the UK. Our client had a daughter with his now ex-wife who had been granted with leave to remain as a refugee. We submitted an application for further leave to remain in the UK on the basis of our client’s relationship with his daughter. Our client struggled to provide documents however we made strong representations before the Home Office and worked with the limited documents he could provide and the application was successful and our client was granted further leave to remain.